EMDR– Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing

Specialist therapy for trauma and pain management 

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing.jpg

Who is EMDR suitable for?

You may be suffering with traumatic symptoms, where you find yourself locked into the same frightening patterns of re-experiencing distressing images, thoughts or memories, feeling fearful, distressed or angry, and trying to stay away from any reminders that could trigger all this, even a long time after the original event(s) occurred. You may find that unprocessed traumatic material has surprised you many years later, when a significant life event like a bereavement, a relationship ending or an accident has brought up and triggered what you thought you had long left behind. Other circumstances, such as persistent pain or other troubling memories or symptoms can keep you locked in distressing patterns that are similar to those of trauma. EMDR can help process the traumatic or troubling memories, so that their distressing or negative impact on the here and now stop, or you feel more able to manage your pain. This will enable you to engage with your life and present circumstances more fully.     

What does EMDR Therapy entail?

Initially we will explore your circumstances present and past, and think about the mechanism of trauma and how this has been affecting you. From here, we will work on stabilisation which is an important part of EMDR therapy. It prepares you for the next phase, so you learn the tools to enable you to calm your distress levels and apply the brakes before we work on processing the trauma. EMDR uses eye movements, hand taps, buzzers or sound to increase the processing speed, while also keeping your attention in the here and now. The same process applies to persistent pain. When the distress has ceased, or the pain is now more manageable, we will think about your future and how to integrate all this into your life now.   


Sessions and Fees

In the initial session we will explore your circumstances and how we may work together. Once we agree to work together, sessions will be weekly and 55 minutes long. 

The session fee is £110.

Longer sessions can be arranged in advance, and will be charged at a higher rate. 

For more details please also refer to FAQs here.

How to Contact Alice

I invite you to contact me to arrange a free phone consultation, so you can find out more about my therapy service and how I may be able to help you. From here we may arrange a first session in person. .

You can book your phone session here. I look forward to hearing from you.